self-worth and enoughness

What do you think of yourself?

Let’s go there.

Are you good enough? Smart enough? Attractive enough? Fit enough? If you answered no to any of these questions, when was the moment you learned that you aren’t enough?

Enoughness is tricky business. There are moments that threaten our self-image and tempt us to shut down. They tempt us to believe the stories that we aren’t good enough… maybe we weren’t meant for happiness or abundance after all?

So what do we do in these moments?

  • Cultivate positive thoughts. Witness the stories. Call them out for what they are: stories. Not reality.
  • Do not shut down emotionally. Don’t let yourself go to that “well, I’m just a piece of sh*t anyways” place. Stay open. Show up again. Get knocked down. Get back up.
  • Because grace is coming. Grace (in a non-biblical sense of the word) is the restoration of the light, and not something you can always control.

We are all being called to offer grace to one another. Grace is what interrupts our stories of ‘not enoughness.’ Instead, grace is the presence that cradles your face in its hands and says, “Kiddo, you are enough. You are wonderful. You are a gift. Thank you for existing.” And the crazy thing is that YOU are an instrument of grace.

You are being called to cradle proverbial faces in your proverbial hands and say, “You are enough. You are wonderful. You are a gift.” To the guy who cut you off on the road, to your co-worker who annoys you, to your mom. Are you going to be the person who perpetuates someone’s story of not-enoughness, or the one who interrupts it?

Let’s be interrupters of shame. Let’s be interrupters of self-hate. Let’s serve one another, with patience and kindness and deep, deep love.

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