how to build self-trust

What gives us the courage to risk?

Whoa, Annika. Big question.

Well let’s start asking the big questions, y’all…

What gives us the courage to risk?

Trust. Faith in ourselves to show up and slay. When we know we’ll be there and do the thing and do the thing to the best of our abilities, we’re going to take bigger risks. We’ll quit that job. We’ll break up or ask that person out. We’ll move to another country. We’ll do what it takes to create joy.

When you know you’ve got your own back, you open a whole new world of what’s possible.

You with me? And wondering how you might build that trust? Great.

  • Little wins. Show up time after time and do the little things with excellence. Set a goal to brush your teeth every night (yes, I mean THAT small) and do it. That’s a win. Build up into bigger wins and remember this key to discipline: you don’t have to feel like it. You just have to do it.
  • Language. Why would you take a risk if you knew deep down that either way, you were just planning to pile on the self-hatred at the end? So start cleaning up the language you use with yourself. Write and say things like “I support myself” or “I believe that I am capable.” (Get over how corny you think it is. Seriously, just get over that.)

And then cruise into your week, full tilt, and start smashing some little wins for yourself. Keep at it, give yourself plenty of time, and watch the growth unfold.

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