belief: the ultimate life-hack

Want to know my other best life hack?


That’s it. Just belief. When something feels off, stagnant, or just generally not working, I re-tool my belief.

When I believe it, I will see it.

Okay, but how? How do I shift what I believe about myself and my life?

  • Create mental space and witness your beliefs with meditation. Pay attention to the things going on in your head. Even try practicing the art of shifting your energy via kundalini meditation — the more you shift your energy, the more you’ll have faith that you can shift your beliefs.
  • Change your language. The way you talk about things (in or outside of your head) reflects what you believe about them. So start using more empowering language to describe yourself, your circumstances, and your life.
  • Get it all out. Write it all down or say it to someone you trust. But the more you just get it out of you without judging it, the more you will realize that you don’t have to believe everything you think.

So this post looks a lot like last week’s post. That’s because belief and action can seem kind of antithetical, but they are so equally useful and resonant in different situations. I recommend giving both of the podcast episodes a listen. They will contradict each other, but ultimately give you double the number of tools to approach situations of uncertainty or discomfort.

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