adulting 101: wealth

This week’s podcast episode is Part 2 of my series on Adulting 101. This series is an exploration on some topics that we must navigate as newly minted “adults,” but are not often given direction on. *yay society* And it’s impossible to talk about adulting without talking about money.

In a very real sense, money is how people, groups, and identities consolidate and hoard power in today’s society. Financial education is not equally accessible, but often built into the lives of the already-wealthy.

I’m all for disrupting the f*ck out of that and sharing power.

So this week’s podcast dives into:

Emotional issues around money. Our sense of value/worth, our desire for control, and (you guessed it) our childhoods all factor into our behavior around money.
Practical advice about money. The key here is to bring awareness into your financial life, but there are so many small tricks and tools to help you build wealth and abundance.
Once again, I’m not an expert. (Shock!) But what I can do is teach from my own experiences and stories, so take what resonates and leave the rest, my friends. I am not liable for your finances.

Go forth and prosper.

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