adulting 101: health

This week’s podcast episode is Part 1 of my series on Adulting 101. This series is an exploration on some topics that we must navigate as newly minted “adults,” but are not often given direction on. *yay society*

So here’s the deal:

We take three things with us from birth to death: our mind, our soul, and our body.

No really. Let’s think about that for a minute. Your body is one of a few things that will be with you every step (lol) of your entire life. It will always. be. with. you. Are you spending time thinking about it? Are you trying to ignore it? Are you abusing it, intentionally or unintentionally?

I’ve spent 65 episodes talking about our minds and souls on this podcast. It’s high time we spent 30 minutes talking about health.

In this episode I talk very candidly about…

1) My self-image journey. Your mess is your message, and I have a big one.

2) Food. How do we figure out what to eat? Everything is bad for you and we’re going to die anyway, right? (Bonus: why cheese is so delicious.)

3) Hallucinating during a kundalini yoga class.

4) And much, much more.

This is the podcast for you if you’ve ever struggled with self-image, food, eating, exercise, nutrition, etc. Let’s open pandora’s box and talk about it.

Note: I’m not a doctor. I’m not a nutritionist. I’m a 24-year-old sharing a story. This is not medical advice.

And with that fun disclaimer,


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